Here is the my current list of tasks that I'd like to get done before we move.
- Design! I'm currently using the default WordPress theme, which is pretty lame. I'm inclined to use a clean but stylish two-column theme that is widget-friendly. Maybe Cutline. In any case, I'd like the new site to be a tad less spartan before we move into it.
- Internal Links. My habit of linking back to previous posts now means I have to map those links to the new posts. I suspect I'll do it manually, since I don't see an easy way to automate it.
- Redirects. Unfortunately I don't think I can actually get Blogger to redirect traffic automatically. So my plan is to post signage throughout this blog making it clear that the blog has moved.
I actually like the theme as it is. simple. news-y. (have you already changed it?)
I have, it's currently Copyblogger 1.0. Unfortunately, I'm struggling on the basics, like configuring the About page to not be a 404.
Also, I did get feedback suggesting I look for a theme that makes better use of horizontal screen real estate. But no concrete recommendations.
I switched back to Cutline because the color scheme of Copyblogger was causing problems on some viewers. I'm also happy to give admin access to anyone willing to donate their expertise and some cycles to making the new site usable. As it is, I can't even figure out how to configure the "about" page on anything but a default theme.
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