What is the difference? I think it's easiest to understand by thinking of a free-text search query as causing you to be dropped at some arbitrary point on a map. Our planet is sparsely populated, as pictured below, so most of the area of the map is off-road. Hence, if you're dropped somewhere at random, you're really in the middle of nowhere. Before you start trying to find nearby towns and attractions, your first task is to find a road.
How does this metaphor relate to clarification vs. refinement? Clarification is the process of finding the road, while refinement leverages the network of relationships in your content (i.e., the network of roads connecting towns and cities) to enable navigation and exploration.
"Did you mean..." is the prototypical example of clarification, while faceted navigation is the prototypical example of refinement. But it is important not to confuse the concrete user interfaces with their intentions. The key point, on which I'm glad to see Peter agrees, is that clarification, when needed, is a prerequisite for refinement, since it gets the user and the system on the same page. Refinement then allows the user to fully exploit the relationships in the data.
I completely agree that this is a very interesting topic. Its only recently come into my research path, but ive been thinking almost solely about it for the last few days. my concern is of the different ways that facets behave for each. but my question is - if a user is in refinement, does he need a special and more efficient set of interactions, or is he able to make efficient use of interactions with a clarification interaction model? i think this point is still to be tested... am i wrong?
Here's a simple but hopefully illustrative example:
As part of my adjustment to married life, I'm updating my student apartment, and one of my top priorities is getting a new washer. So I head over to the Home Depot site and search for a washer. I'm all excited that they have washers for less than $50!
Oops. Maybe I should have clarified (using the results of search against the facet values) before refining. I meant these washers. Guess I'll have to pony up at least $200. But now I get to refine by meaningful facets, like color and capacity.
Does that help illustrate the general principle? Of course, there are far more sophisticated ways to implement both clarification and refinement. My point here is to highlight the distinction, and to assert that clarification, when needed, should come before refinement.
Interesting. I'd read that paper a while ago, but not in this light--probably because I tend to think about query reformulation in the context of faceted search and navigation. But I can certainly see the connection.
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